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Ramon Plaza Files: 11
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Solution to Second Midterm Examination

Solution to Second Midterm Examination

Date 2012-12-16 23:57:18 Language  English Filesize 216.55 KB Download 1853
Exercise Sheet 7 for Applied PDEs

This is Exercise Sheet no. 7 for Applied PDEs.Topics: Wave equation in one and multiple spatial dimensions. D'Alembert's formula, boundary value problems, Kirchhoff's formula, and Hadamard method of descent.

Date 2012-12-03 20:01:58 Language  English Filesize 167.26 KB Download 1775
Exercise Sheet 6 for Applied PDEs

This is Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs. Topics: Laplace equation, Dirichlet problem, Neumann problem.

Date 2012-11-26 19:04:25 Language  English Filesize 164.18 KB Download 1526
Solution to First MIdterm Examination

Solutions to First MIdterm Examination.

Date 2012-11-19 21:14:07 Language  English Filesize 182.07 KB Download 3059
Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs

This is Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs. Topics: Laplace equation, harmonic functions, maximum principle.

Date 2012-11-19 21:12:50 Language  English Filesize 162.25 KB Download 1320
New syllabus for Applied PDEs

New syllabus for Applied PDEs with exact dates for the midterm examination.

Date 2012-11-05 11:22:13 Language  English Filesize 173.65 KB Download 2634
Exercise Sheet 4 for Applied PDEs

This is the Exercise Sheet no. 4 for Applied PDEs. Topics: the heat equation.

Date 2012-10-30 10:51:19 Language  English Filesize 166.81 KB Download 1760
Exercise Sheet 3 for Applied PDEs

This is the 3rd. exercise sheet for Applied PDEs. Topics: conservation laws, traffic flow, entropy solutions.

Date 2012-10-17 21:11:10 Language  English Filesize 148.44 KB Download 1592
Syllabus for the course Applied PDEs

This file contains the syllabus, time and place, as well as the bibliography of the course Applied PDEs.

Date 2012-10-17 14:50:04 Language  English Filesize 158.08 KB Download 2415
Exercise Sheet 1 for Applied PDEs

This is the first sheet of exercise for the course Applied PDEs (corrected version of 17/10/12).

Date 2012-10-17 14:40:18 Language  English Filesize 130.43 KB Download 1670
Exercise sheet 2 for Applied PDEs

Exercises for the course Applied PDEs. This is sheet no. 2. Topics: fully nonlinear first order equations; conservation laws.

Date 2012-10-10 15:52:11 Language  English Filesize 148.44 KB Download 1420
Home Resources Downloads UAQ Ramon Plaza