MathMods IP 2008

2008 Intensive Programme (IP) in Mathematical Models in Life and Social Sciences

L'Aquila (Italy), July 6-19, 2008

Coordinator: Bruno Rubino

Assistant Coordinator: Marco Di Francesco

Location: School of Engineering, University of L'Aquila

Piazzale E. Pontieri, 2 - 67040 Monteluco di Roio, L'Aquila (Italy)



Local Organizing Committee

  • Marco Di Francesco [Coordinator]
  • Federica Di Michele
  • Elisabetta Felaco
  • Amelio Maurizi

Organizing Committee and Local Contacts

  • Bruno Rubino (University of L'Aquila) [Coordinator]
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
  • Aureli Alabert (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
  • Ingenuin Gasser (University of Hamburg)
  • Danuta Makowiec (University of Gdansk)
  • Josef Slapal (Brno University of Technology)
  • Jaroslaw Rybicki (Gdansk University of Technology)
  • Ivars Knets (Riga Technical University)
  • Tomasz Krzyzynski (Koszalin University of Technology)

Partner Universities



  • Giulia De Masi (Saipem Energy Services) - Deep and shallow water waves: how partial differential equations contribute to technology
  • Maria Rita D'Orsogna (California State University) - Statistical models for criminal behavior
  • Maria Rita D'Orsogna (California State University) - Patterns, stability and collapse for two-dimensional biological swarms
  • Danuta Makowiec (UG Gdansk) - Multifractality by Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima versus Mulftifractal Detrended Analysis
  • Vincenzo Capasso (University of Milan) - On the social behaviour of insectsAndrea Peri (Procter & Gamble) - Leverage mathematical models in P&G
  • Andrea Tosin (IAC, CNR Rome) - Multiphase modeling of tumor growth: Mathematical tools and applications


The LLP Italian National Agency will support MathMods IP, with a contribution for living expenses and travel costs for selected Master and PhD students from partners institutions.

We assume to select:

  • a maximum of 30 students (MSc or PhD) for the 75% contribution for travel costs and the contribution for accommodation and subsistence costs: this corresponds to 4 students for each partner institution (but a total of 10 students from the three Polish universities);
  • a maximum of 15 students (MSc or PhD) only for the 75% contribution for travel costs: this corresponds to 2 students for each partner institution (but a total of 5 students from the three Polish universities).

The contact person of each institution in the Organizing Committee is responsible for the selection of students in their universities.

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