University of Hamburg (UHH)
Short Presentation
With about 38,000 students, Universität Hamburg is one of Germany's largest universities. Approximately 650 of the 4,100 academic staff are full professors. The School of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences comprises the departments Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics. Today there are about 9500 students (thereof 900 Ph.D students and 3250 teacher trainees The Department of Mathematics of the University of Hamburg offers 2 B.Sc. and 4 M.Sc. programs. Beside the usual PhD program we offer two structured (externally funded) PhD programs: the DFG Research training group 1670 "Mathematics inspired by String Theory" and the "Lothar Collatz School of Computing in Science". The 22 Professors in the Department cover various fields in Mathematics, one third of the faculty is in Applied Mathematics. There is big variety of third party funded research projects, many of them of international character.
Hamburg is very easy to reach from all directions and by all means of transportation. Hamburg airport is located in the city zone and only 20 minutes from the city centre. There are many direct flight connections to the main cities in Europe, to Northern America, to the Middle and the the Far East.
Every hour there is a train connection between Hamburg and all the major cities of Central and Northern Europe. The long-distance trains stop at the main station (Hauptbahnhof) and at the Dammtor and Altona stations.
You can reach Hamburg by car or bus via a total of five autobahns and many main roads. Hamburg is a stop on the North Sea Bicycle Trail and is a port of call for many cruise ships.