University of L'Aquila (UAQ)
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Coordinating Institution of the MathMods Programme
Short Presentation
At present UAQ counts over 20,000 students, around 650 teachers and researchers, and nearly 500 administrative and technical staff members. Officially established in 1952 (but its origins date back to the 16th century), UAQ has now 7 departments offerinf a wide range of Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes in biotechnologies, sciences, economics, engineering, education, humanities, medicine, psychology, and sport sciences. Internationalisation has played an increasingly important role at UAQ. The Engineering and the Sciences Faculties have a strong tradition of research in the area of Mathematical Modelling. The Dept of Pure and Applied Math has rich experience in managing International projects (starting in 1996 as coordinator of the FP4 "HCL" TMR , FMRX-CT96-0033). UAQ provides many services for its students, including Career Office, International Relations Office, Quality Assessment Office (of teaching, research and services), Centre for Students with Disabilities, Language Centre, Student Counseling Centre.