Semester1 Theory UAQ
Theory @ UAQ 30 ECTS credits
The first semester of the programme is focused on Mathematical Theory and is common to all students. It will be spent at UAQ - University of L'Aquila in Italy from September to March.
The University of L'Aquila has a longstanding tradition on the analysis of differential equations and dynamical systems with applications to engineering and social sciences. The goal of the first semester is to endow the student with advanced background in theoretical subjects such as Functional Analysis, Applied Partial Differential Equations, and Dynamical Systems. Functional Analysis prepares the student to work in "infinite dimensions", an essential feature to approach advanced methodologies in numerical analysis, approximation theory, optimization, stochastic analysis, in systematic and rigorous form. Applied Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems are fundamental tools in mathematical modelling with applications to science and engineering (for example in fluid dynamics, life and social sciences, real world applications, and finance). These three units are typically touched only marginally in most of the applied sciences BSc curricula. One of the main goals of "MathMods" is to address them to students coming from Engineering and Physics BSc studies, thus reducing possible gaps with respect to BSc graduates in mathematics. The unit "Control System" plays the role of a selected "engineering-oriented" subject with a strong interface with dynamical systems, control theory, and basic harmonic analysis.
Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.