MathMods IP 2010

2010 Intensive Programme (IP) in Mathematical Models in Life and Social Sciences

12 - 30 April 2010, University of L'Aquila

Coordinator: Bruno Rubino

Assistant Coordinator: Marco Di Francesco

Coordinating Institution: University of L'Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy)

Location: University of L'Aquila (Abruzzo, Italy)


List of mini-courses

  • Piotr Biler (University of Wroclaw) = Nonlocal parabolic models in chemotaxis and statistical physics.
  • Emanuele Coccia (University of L'Aquila) = The Monte Carlo theory in physics and chemistry.
  • Armin Iske (University of Hamburg) = Mathematical Methods in Medical Image Reconstruction.
  • Rodolfo Repetto (University of Genova) and Jennifer Siggers (Imperial College London) = Ocular biomechanics.
  • Bodo Werner (University of Hamburg) = Dynamical system theory for microscopic traffic problems.


Brno University of Technology, Prof. Josef Slapal
Koszalin University of Technology, Prof. Tomasz Krzyzynski
Riga Technical University, Prof. Ivars Knets
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Prof. Aureli Alabert
University of Gdansk, Prof. Danuta Makowiec
University of Hamburg, Prof. Armin Iske
University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, Prof. Pierre Emmanuel Jabin
University of Oslo, Prof. Kenneth H. Karlsen
University of Vienna, Prof. Christian Schmeiser
University of Münster, Prof. Martin Burger
University of Groningen, Prof. Charlotte Hemelrijk
University of Wroclaw, Prof. Katarzyna Sznajd–Weron
Imperial College - London, Prof. Jennifer Siggers
Universidade Nova Lisboa, Prof. Fabio Chalub


The Intensive Programme (IP) in "Mathematical Models in Life and Social Sciences - MathMods 2010" will be addressed to PhD students only (MSc students enrolled to their last year of studies will be considered in special situations, upon recommendation of the local coordinators), and it will consist of a set of short courses and seminars. The participation of 20 PhD students from the partner universities will be supported by the EC Erasmus Programme.

The programme will be centred on applied mathematics viewed as an interdisciplinary area at the interface with biology, medicine, economy and social sciences. The programme will address different methodologies, such as the analysis of partial differential equations, numerical calculus and simulations, nonlinear conservation laws, dynamical systems, continuum mechanics.

The programme will be hosted by the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University of L'Aquila in the period April 12-30, 2010.

All students must be enrolled on a PhD course in one of the following disciplines: mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics, computer science, physics, engineering, biology, biotechnology (and similar ones).

Scholarships are offered to students from the partner institutions.


The LLP Italian National Agency will support MathMods IP, with a contribution for living expenses and travel costs for selected Master and PhD students from partners institutions.

We assume to select a maximum of 15 students (MSc or PhD) for the contribution for travel costs and the contribution for accommodation and subsistence costs.

The contact person of each institution in the Organizing Committee is responsible for the selection of students in their universities.

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