University of Côte d'Azur (UniCA)
Short Presentation
The University of Côte d'Azur in Nice (UniCA) is a public organization under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of National Education with two main missions: higher education and research. The UNS is involved in all scientific fields. It is the second multidisciplinary University in France in students number (27000 students including 17% foreign students). The Mathematics Departement together with its research laboratory (Laboratory J.A. Dieudonné, LJAD) belong to the faculty of sciences of the UNS. The LJAD is a Joint Research Unit between UNS and CNRS. It hosts several strong research groups within the field of Applied Mathematics: Probability and Statistics, PDEs and Numerical Analysis, Dynamical systems & interactions, and Fluid Mechanics. Moreover, the LJAD is part of the joint Euro-Maghreb research Laboratory (LEM2I).