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Category: Ramon Plaza |
Ramon Plaza | Files: 11 | |
Solution to Second Midterm Examination | |
Solution to Second Midterm Examination |
2012-12-16 23:57:18 English 216.55 KB 1810 |
Exercise Sheet 7 for Applied PDEs | |
This is Exercise Sheet no. 7 for Applied PDEs.Topics: Wave equation in one and multiple spatial dimensions. D'Alembert's formula, boundary value problems, Kirchhoff's formula, and Hadamard method of descent. |
2012-12-03 20:01:58 English 167.26 KB 1740 |
Exercise Sheet 6 for Applied PDEs | |
This is Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs. Topics: Laplace equation, Dirichlet problem, Neumann problem. |
2012-11-26 19:04:25 English 164.18 KB 1493 |
Solution to First MIdterm Examination | |
Solutions to First MIdterm Examination. |
2012-11-19 21:14:07 English 182.07 KB 2987 |
Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs | |
This is Exercise Sheet 5 for Applied PDEs. Topics: Laplace equation, harmonic functions, maximum principle. |
2012-11-19 21:12:50 English 162.25 KB 1285 |
New syllabus for Applied PDEs | |
New syllabus for Applied PDEs with exact dates for the midterm examination. |
2012-11-05 11:22:13 English 173.65 KB 2604 |
Exercise Sheet 4 for Applied PDEs | |
This is the Exercise Sheet no. 4 for Applied PDEs. Topics: the heat equation. |
2012-10-30 10:51:19 English 166.81 KB 1724 |
Exercise Sheet 3 for Applied PDEs | |
This is the 3rd. exercise sheet for Applied PDEs. Topics: conservation laws, traffic flow, entropy solutions. |
2012-10-17 21:11:10 English 148.44 KB 1565 |
Syllabus for the course Applied PDEs | |
This file contains the syllabus, time and place, as well as the bibliography of the course Applied PDEs. |
2012-10-17 14:50:04 English 158.08 KB 2379 |
Exercise Sheet 1 for Applied PDEs | |
This is the first sheet of exercise for the course Applied PDEs (corrected version of 17/10/12). |
2012-10-17 14:40:18 English 130.43 KB 1630 |
Exercise sheet 2 for Applied PDEs | |
Exercises for the course Applied PDEs. This is sheet no. 2. Topics: fully nonlinear first order equations; conservation laws. |
2012-10-10 15:52:11 English 148.44 KB 1390 |