Numerical Analysis of PDEs and Approximation

Additional Info

  • ECTS credits: 6
  • University: University of Granada
  • Semester: 3
  • Topics:


    Review of Numerical Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations and Approximation Theory, according to the following program:
    • Topic 1: Finite difference methods for classical equations and conservation laws. Finite element and finite volume methods. Spectral methods.
    • Topic 2: Approximation theory. Special functions. Orthogonal polynomials.
    • Topic 3: Bézier curves. Spline functions. B-splines. Applications.
    Practice 1: Numerical resolution of boundary value problems.
    Practice 2: Numerical resolution of evolution problems.

Read 972 times Last modified on Monday, 28 October 2024 09:01