Physics of Complex Networks and Interdisciplinary Applications

Additional Info

  • ECTS credits: 6
  • University: University of Granada
  • Semester: 3
  • Topics:


    Topic 1: Brief Introduction to Complex Systems. Concept of Complex Network.

    Topic 2: Complex Networks as an Example of Complex Systems:

    Concept of Graph, Adjacency Matrix, Random Graphs, Directed and Undirected Networks, Weighted Networks.Node Distribution. Scale-Invariant Networks. Small-World Networks.Node-Node Correlations: Pearson Coefficient, Assortative and Disassortative Networks.Modular Structure. Hierarchical Networks. Multiplex Networks.

    Topic 3: The Brain as a Paradigm of System and Complex Network:

    Structure and Function: Connectivity Matrices (DTI) and Activity (Multielectrodes, EEG, MEG, fMRI).

    Topic 4: Neural Networks:

    Concept of Neural Network, Neuronal Activity Models and Synaptic Transmission, Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Integration and Firing Models, Binary Neuron Models.Synaptic Models: Alpha Function, Excitation and Inhibition, Exponential Models, Dynamic Synapses, Tsodyks-Markram Model.Attracting Neural Networks: Amari-Hopfield Model, Hebbian Learning, Capacity of a Neural Network.Feed-Forward Networks: Perceptron. Firing Rate Models: Wilson-Cowan Model. Fokker-Planck Type Models.Balanced Neural Networks: Homeostatic Balance in Complex Neural Networks, UP/DOWN States in the Cortex.

    Topic 5: Concept of Connectome:

    Construction of Connectomes, Structural Properties of Brain Connectomes, Comparison of Connectomes, Computational Properties.

    Topic 6: Social Networks:

    Statistical Physics Methods in the Context of Social Models.Basic Concepts: Order and Disorder, Ising Model, Importance of Topology (Scale-Free and Bounded Networks), Glauber Dynamics.Social Phenomena as Cooperative/Emergent Phenomena.Social Dynamics Models: Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Dynamics: Axelrod Model.Social Networks and the Internet. Epidemic Models and Virus Propagation in Networks.

    Topic 7: Networks in Ecology:

    Trophic Networks. Stability and May's Paradox. Mutualistic Networks.Nesting Properties and Other Structural Properties.

    Topic 8: Networks in Systems Biology:

    Concept of Gene Regulatory Networks.Cancer and Systemic Diseases. Random Boolean Networks.Genotype vs. Phenotype. Attractors and Phenotypes.

Read 923 times Last modified on Monday, 28 October 2024 09:33
Home Structure Semester 3 UAQ Mathematical models in social sciences Course units Physics of Complex Networks and Interdisciplinary Applications