Modelling and control of networked distributed systems

Additional Info

  • ECTS credits: 6
  • University: University of L'Aquila
  • Semester: 3
  • Objectives:


    The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge of the analysis and design of dynamic multiagent networks.

  • Topics:


    Introduction to graph theory: graphs; matrices representation; algebraic and spectral graph theory; graph symmetries. The agreement protocol - the static case: undirected and directed networks; agreement and markov chains; the Factorization Lemma. The agreement protocol - Lyapunov and LaSalle: agreement via Lyapunov functions, agreement over switching digraphs, edge agreement, generalizations to nonlinear systems. Formation Control: formation specification-shapes and relative states; shape based control; relative state based control, dynamic formation selection, assigning roles. Mobile Robots: Cooperative robotics; weighted graph based feedback; dynamic graphs; formation control revisited; the coverage problem.

  • Prerequisites:


    Linear Algebra. Linear control systems. Stability theory for linear control systems

  • Books:


    M. Mesbahi and M. Egerstedt, Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks. Princeton University Press. 2010

Read 8437 times Last modified on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 17:21