Vienna University of Technology (TUW)

Vienna University of Technology (TUW)

Technische Universität Wien

Short Presentation

With about 29.000 students, TUW is the third largest university of Austria, offering a wide range of study programs in natural sciences, engineering and architecture. In mathematics, TUW is offering three bachelor and three master studies (with technical, economical, and financial applications). Over the last two decades, Vienna has developed into a stronghold of mathematics, with "partial differential equations" being one of its focal points. This is reflected by the "Vienna Center for PDEs", funded by TUW and Vienna University (since 2014; Speaker: A. Jüngel). Most of the TUW-mathematicians participating in MathMods are involved in this center.


Institute for Analysis und Scientific Computing

Fields of research related to MathMods topics:  Applied mathematics, partial differential equations

  Wiedner Hauptstr. 8

1040 Vienna - Austria

  (+43) (0)1-58801-10171

  Fax: (+43) (0)1-58801-10198


Partner coordinator

#Anton Arnold

 Institute of Analysis & Scientific Computing
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8
1040 Vienna - Austria

  (+43) (0)1-58801-10171

  (+43) (0)1-58801-10198


Home Vienna TUW