MathMods Master's degrees

Below you can find a list of the Master degrees awarded by the MathMods consortium

Joint Master's Degrees

joint msc mathmods degree diploma 2021 small

Upon graduation, students will be awarded a Joint MSc Degree in "Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory, Numerics, Applications", equivalent to:

Joint degrees are awarded to the students who have successfully completed the MathMods programme as shown in the chart below

mathmods diploma Institution awarding the Master's degree
UAQ L'Aquila UHH Hamburg
UniCA Nice LUH Hannover UGR Granada

Institution where you spend your Semester3

UAQ L'Aquila Joint Joint      
UHH Hamburg Joint Joint      
UniCA Nice  Joint Joint Joint    
LUH Hannover Joint Joint   Joint  
UGR Granada Joint Joint     Joint



Last modified on Friday, 07 June 2024 17:19
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