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Semester1 Theory UAQ for 2020 intake

Semester1 Theory UAQ for 2020 intake

Theory  @  UAQ  30 ECTS credits

The first semester of the programme is focused on Mathematical Theory and is common to all students. It will be spent at UAQ - University of L'Aquila in Italy from September to March.

The University of L'Aquila has a longstanding tradition on the analysis of differential equations and dynamical systems with applications to engineering and social sciences. The goal of the first semester is to endow the student with advanced background in theoretical subjects such as Functional Analysis, Applied Partial Differential Equations, and Dynamical Systems. Functional Analysis prepares the student to work in "infinite dimensions", an essential feature to approach advanced methodologies in numerical analysis, approximation theory, optimization, stochastic analysis, in systematic and rigorous form. Applied Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems are fundamental tools in mathematical modelling with applications to science and engineering (for example in fluid dynamics, life and social sciences, real world applications, and finance). These three units are typically touched only marginally in most of the applied sciences BSc curricula. One of the main goals of "MathMods" is to address them to students coming from Engineering and Physics BSc studies, thus reducing possible gaps with respect to BSc graduates in mathematics. The unit "Control System" plays the role of a selected "engineering-oriented" subject with a strong interface with dynamical systems, control theory, and basic harmonic analysis.

Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.

  • Applied partial differential equations [6 credits]

    Applied partial differential equations

    • ECTS credits 6
    • Code I0183
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      The course aims at providing basic properties and main techniques to solve basic partial differential equations.
      Those objectives contribute to the learning goals of the entire course of studies, as the inner coherence of the master degree in Mathematical Modelling was verified at the time of the planning of the master program.

      At the end of the course, the student should:

      1. know basic properties (existence, uniqueness, etc.) and main techniques (characteristics, separation of variables, Fourier methods, Green's functions, similarity solutions, etc.) to solve basic partial differential equations (semilinear first order PDEs, heat, Laplace, wave equations);
      2. understand and be able to explain thesis and proofs in the field of basic partial differential equations;
      3. have strengthened the logic and computational skills;
      4. be able to read and understand other mathematical texts on related topics.

    • Topics


      First order partial differential equations. Definition of characteristic vectors and characteristic surfaces. Characteristics for (semi)linear partial differential equations of first order in two independent variables. Existence and uniqueness to initial value problems for first order semilinear partial differential equations in two independent variables Duhamel’s principle for non homogeneous first order partial differential equations.

      Second order partial differential equations. Classification of second order semilinear partial differential equations in two independent variables. Canonical form for second order semilinear partial differential equations in two independent variables. Classification for second order semilinear partial differential equations in many independent variables.

      Heat equation. Derivation of heat equation and well–posed problems in one space dimension. Solution of Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for one dimensional heat equation by means of Fourier method of separation of variables. Energy method and uniqueness. Maximum principle. Fundamental solution. Solution of global Cauchy problem. Non homogeneous problem: Duhamel’s principle.

      Laplace equation. Laplace and Poisson equation: well-posed problems; uniqueness by means of energy method. Mean value property and maximum principles. Laplace equation in a disk by means of separation of variables. Poisson’s formula. Harnack’s inequality and Liouville’s Theorem. Fundamental solution of Laplace operator. Solution of Poisson’s equation in the whole space. Green’s functions and Green’s representation formula.

      Wave equation. Transversal vibrations of a string. Well–posed problems in one space dimension. D’Alembert formula. Characteristic parallelogram. Domain of dependence and range of influence. Fundamental solution for one dimensional wave equation. Duhamel’s principle for non homogeneous one dimensional wave equations. Special solutions of multi–d wave equation: planar and spherical waves. Well–posedness for initial, boundary value problems: uniqueness by means of energy estimates. Separation of variables. Domain of dependence and range of influence in several space variables. Fundamental solution for multi–dimensional wave equation. Solution of 3–d wave equation: Kirchhoff’s formula and strong Huygens’ principle. Wave equation in two dimensions: method of descent. Fundamental solution in 2–d. Duhamel’s principle for non homogeneous wave equation in 3–d: delayed potentials.

    • Prerequisites


      Students must know the basic notions of mathematical analysis, including Fourier series and ordinary differential equations, and the basic notions of continuum mechanics.

    • Books


      - L.C. Evans. Partial Differential Equations. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 19, AMS, 2010.

      - S. Salsa. Partial Differential Equations in Actions: from Modelling to Theory. Springer–Verlag Italia, 2008.

      - S. Salsa, G. Verzini. Equazioni a derivate parziali: complementi ed esercizi. Springer–Verlag Italia. 2005.

      - W.A. Strauss. Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008.

      - E.C. Zachmanoglou, D.W. Thoe. lntroduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications. Dover Publications, Inc., 1986.

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  • Control systems [6 credits]

    Control systems

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      The course provides basic and advanced methodologies for the modeling, analysis and design of control systems.

    • Topics


      Frequency domain models of Linear Systems: Laplace Transform, Transfer Functions, Block diagrams.
      Time domain models of Linear Systems: State space representation.
      BIBO stability.
      Control specifications for transient and steady-state responses. Polynomial and sinusoidal disturbances rejection.
      Digital control: Z-Transform, discretization of continuous-time linear systems, finite-time response, deadbeat response.
      Analysis and control design using the eigenvalues assignment: controllability, observability, the separation principle.
      Controller design using MATLAB.

    • Prerequisites


      Mathematical analysis

    • Books


      [1] K. J. Astrom, R. M. Murray, "Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers". Princeton Univ. Pr., 2nd Edition, 2021
      [2] R. C. Dorf, R. H. Bishop. "Modern Control Systems". Prentice Hall, 12th Edition, 2008
      [3] G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, A. Emami-Naeini. "Feedback control of dynamic systems". Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 2002
      [4] G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, M. L. Workman. "Digital Control of Dynamic Systems". Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition, 1998
      [5] K. Ogata. "Discrete-Time Control Systems". Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 1995
      [6] A. Isidori. "Sistemi di controllo". Siderea, 1996
      [7] Lectures slides

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  • Dynamical systems and bifurcation theory [6 credits]

    Dynamical systems and bifurcation theory

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      The course is intended to introduce and develop an understanding of the concepts in nonlinear dynamical systems and bifurcation theory, and an ability to analyze nonlinear dynamic models of physical systems. The emphasis is to be on understanding the underlying basis of local bifurcation analysis techniques and their applications to structural and mechanical systems.

    • Topics


      Review of: first-order nonlinear ODE, first-order linear systems of autonomous ODE. Local theory for nonlinear dynamical systems: linearization, stable manifold theorem, stability and Liapunov functions, planar non-hyperbolic critical points, center manifold theory, normal form theory. Global theory for nonlinear systems: limit sets and attractors, limit cycles and separatrix cycles, Poincaré map. Hamiltonian systems. Poincaré-Bendixson theory. Bifurcation theory for nonlinear systems: structural stability, bifurcation at non-hyperbolic equilibrium points, Hopf bifurcations, bifurcation at non hyperbolic periodic orbits. Applications.

    • Prerequisites


      Ordinary differential equations

    • Books


      Lawrence Perko, Differential equations and dynamical systems, Springer-Verlag, 2001

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  • Mathematical modelling of continuum media [3 credits]

    Mathematical modelling of continuum media

    • ECTS credits 3
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      Learning Objectives:
      The aim of the course is to give an overview of fluid dynamics from a mathematical viewpoint, and to introduce students to the mathematical modeling of fluid dynamic type. At the end of the course students will be able to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of solutions for particular fluid dynamics problems and to use concepts and mathematical techniques learned from this course for the analysis of other partial differential equations.

      Learning Outcomes:
      On successful completion of this course, the student should:

      - understand the basic principles governing the dynamics of non-viscous fluids;
      - be able to derive and deduce the consequences of the equation of conservation of mass;
      - be able to apply Bernoulli's theorem and the momentum integral to simple problems including river flows;
      - understand the concept of vorticity and the conditions in which it may be assumed to be zero;
      - calculate velocity fields and forces on bodies for simple steady and unsteady flows derived from potentials;
      - demonstrate skill in mathematical reasoning and ability to conceive proofs for fluid dynamics equations.
      - demonstrate capacity for reading and understand other texts on related topics.

    • Topics


      CONTENTS FOR: Modelling and analysis of fluids and biofluids (9 ECTS), Mathematical fluid dynamics (6 ECTS), Mathematical Modelling of Continuum Media (3 ECTS)

      - Derivation of the governing equations: Euler and Navier-Stokes
      - Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid motion; examples of fluid flows
      - Fluidi di tipo Poiseulle e Couette
      - Vorticity equation in 2D and 3D

      CONTENTS FOR: Modelling and analysis of fluids and biofluids (9 ECTS), Mathematical fluid dynamics (6 ECTS), Mathematical fluid and biofluid dynamics (6 ECTS),

      - Dimensional analysis: Reynolds number, Mach Number, Frohde number.
      - From compressible to incompressible models
      - Existence of solutions for viscid and inviscid fluids
      - Fluid dynamic modeling in various fields: mixture of fluids, combustion, astrophysics, geophysical fluids (atmosphere, ocean)

      CONTENTS FOR: Modelling and analysis of fluids and biofluids (9 ECTS), Mathematical fluid and biofluid dynamics (6 ECTS)

      - Modeling for biofluids: hemodynamics, cerebrospinal fluids, cancer modelling, animal locomotion, bioconvection for swimming microorganisms.

    • Prerequisites


      PREREQUISITES for Mathematical Modelling of Continuum Media:
      Basic notions of functional analysis, functions of complex values, standard properties of the heat equation, wave equation, Laplace and Poisson's equations.

      PREREQUISITES for Mathematical fluid and biofluid dynamics, Mathematical fluid dynamics, Modelling and analysis of fluids and biofluids:
      Basic notions of functional analysis, functions of complex values, standard properties of the heat equation, wave equation, Laplace and Poisson's equations, Sobolev spaces.

    • Books


      - Alexandre Chorin, Jerrold E. Marsden, A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Springer.
      - Roger M. Temam, Alain M. Miranville, Mathematical Modeling in Continum Mechanics. Cambridge University Press.
      - Franck Boyer, Pierre Fabrie, Mathematical Tools for the Study of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Models. Springer-Verlag Italia.
      - Andrea Bertozzi, Andrew Majda, Vorticity and Incompressible Flow. Cambridge University Press.

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  • Real and Functional Analysis [6 credits]

    Real and Functional Analysis

    • ECTS credits 6
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      Introducing basic tools of advanced real analysis such as metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, bounded operators, weak convergences, compact operators, weak and strong compactness in metric spaces, spectral theory, in order to allow the student to formulate and solve linear ordinary differential equations partial differential equations, classical variational problems, and numerical approximation problems in an "abstract" form.

    • Topics


      • Metric spaces, normed linear spaces. Topology in metric spaces. Compactness.
      • Spaces of continuous functions.  Convergence of function sequences. Approximation by polynomials. Compactness in spaces of continuous functions. Arzelà's theorem. Contraction mapping theorem.
      • Crash course on Lebesgue meausre and integration. Limit exchange theorema. Lp spaces. Completeness of Lp spaces.
      • Introduction to the theory of linear bounded operators on Banach spaces. Bounded operators. Dual norm. Examples. Riesz' lemma. Norm convergence for bounded operators.
      • Hilbert spaces. Elementary properties. Orthogonality. Orthogonal projections. Bessel's inequality. Orthonormal bases. Examples.
      • Bounded operators on Hilbert spaces. Dual of a Hilbert space. Adjoin operator, self-adjoint operators, unitary operators. Applications. Weak convergence on Hilbert spaces. Banach-Alaoglu's theorem.
      • Introduction to spectral theory. Compact operators. Spectral theorem for self-adjoint compact operators on Hilbert spaces. Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Functions of operators.
      • Introduction to the theory of unbounded operators. Linear differential operators. Applications.
      • Introduction to infinite-dimensional differential calculus and variational methods.
    • Prerequisites


      Basic calculus and analysis in several variables, linear algebra.

    • Books


      • John K. Hunter, Bruno Nachtergaele, Applied Analysis. World Scientific.
      • H. Brezis, Funtional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and partial differential equations. Springer.

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  • Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners (level A1) [3 credits]

    Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners (level A1)

    • ECTS credits 3
    • University University of L'Aquila
    • Semester 1
    • Objectives


      The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of Italian language at level A1 (beginner). The course will concentrate on four aspects of communication: speaking, writing, listening and reading on a basic level. Attention is given to correct pronunciation of Italian.
      Furthermore, the goals of the course are to enable students to:
      - develop the language proficiency required to communicate effectively in Italian at level A1;
      - develop awareness of the nature of language and language learning;
      - develop transferable skills;
      - form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for progression to work or further study, either in Italian or another subject area.
      On successful completion of this module, a student should be able to:
      - understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning himself/herself, his/her family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly;
      - read familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues;
      - interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech;
      - ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics;
      - use simple phrases and sentences to describe where he/she lives and people he/she knows;
      - write short messages, postcards, fill in forms with personal details or a hotel registration form.

    • Topics


      Students will be required to show knowledge and understanding of the broad topic areas listed below. These provide contexts for the acquisition of vocabulary and the study of grammar and structures.
      - Clothes and accessories;
      - colors;
      - countries, nationalities and languages;
      - culture, customs and celebrations;
      - education e.g. learning institutions, education and training, learning tools, subjects;
      - family and friends;
      - feelings and emotions;
      - food and drink;
      - interests, sports and activities;
      - jobs;
      - measurements e.g. size, shape, weight;
      - numbers (cardinal, ordinal) and money;
      - rooms and furniture;
      - shops and places;
      - street directions;
      - the human body and health e.g. parts of the body, health and illness;
      - time expressions e.g. telling the time, dates, days of the week, months, seasons;
      - travel and transport;
      - weather.
      - Accepting/ thanking;
      - applying for a job;
      - asking about personal information;
      - asking permission;
      - buying and asking prices;
      - describing people and objects;
      - giving opinions;
      - giving instructions;
      - greeting and introducing;
      - inviting, refusing;
      - making suggestions;
      - requesting, offering;
      - talking about likes and dislikes;
      - talking about routines;
      - telling the time.

      - Sounds and spelling;
      - nouns: gender, number;
      - irregular plural nouns;
      - definite article;
      - indefinite article;
      - adjectives, first group adjectives and second group adjectives, position of adjectives;
      - formal address;
      - pronouns, subject pronouns and direct and indirect object pronouns;
      - possessive adjectives;
      -prepositions simple and prepositions with articles;
      - interrogatives;
      - adverbs;
      - present tense of regular and irregular verbs;
      - modal verbs and the verb sapere;
      - present perfect and some verbs with an irregular past participle.

    • Prerequisites


      There are no prerequisites for attending the course.

    • Books


      "Dieci A1" - Alma edizioni, Firenze 2019.
      “New Italian grammar in practice”, Alma edizioni, Firenze 2015.

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Home Structure for 2020 intake Semester1 Theory UAQ for 2020 intake