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This is our 2020 curriculum. For the new structure, valid as of the 2021 intake, click here

List of private industries/enterprises for internships

Our Consortium features a well-established network of industries and private enterprises as partners in scientific collaborations and co-supervision of graduate theses.

Here is a list of industries/enterprises that have been hosting our students for their thesis work:

  • AIA-Aplicaciones de Informática Avanzada
  • AIS-Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Allianz (Germany) (Insurance company)
  • Ananda Advisors
  • Aslogic (aeronautics, logistics)
  • Barcelona Media
  • CEMET Ltd. (manufacturer of steel machines, machine parts, technical equipment, etc.)
  • COMEC Srl (Automation)
  • Crédit Agricole (Paris) (Bank)
  • Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt) (Bank)
  • DLM Aeronautics
  • Eurecat (industrial technologies)
  • Fotonower (Paris) http://fotonower.com
  • Google Ireland
  • Here (Berlin) (IT)
  • IBM Barcelona
  • KPMG iRadar (Frankfurt) (Quantitative finance)
  • LFoundry (Process optimization, vehicle routing, operation scheduling)
  • Orplast sp.j. (manufacturing plastic injection molding)
  • Philips Research Hamburg
  • Procter and Gamble at Mequinença
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Société Générale (Paris) (Bank)
  • Taiprora Srl (Software and Automation Engineering)
  • Telecom Italia, Roma (Optimisation and detection of failures and malicious attacks)
  • TSS-Transport Simulation Systems
  • WINENERG, sp. (Renewable energies)
  • Yuilop
  • Zeliade systems (Paris) (Quantitative finance)


Last modified on Tuesday, 13 February 2018 22:57
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Home Structure for 2020 intake Semester4 List of private industries/enterprises for internships