Sem 3 UHH Complex Sys. (OLD)

Sem 3 UHH Complex Sys. (OLD)

(to be discontinued - valid up to batch 2017)

Applications  @  UHH  30 ECTS credits

Modelling and simulation of complex systems

The semester in "Modelling, simulation, and optimization of complex systems" of Hamburg (UHH) partner will focus on fundamental principles of contemporary computational mathematics, including important theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. Special emphasis will be given on relevant applications in engineering. To this end, concrete model scenarios arising from academic and industrial applications will be utilized for motivation. The portfolio of the offered courses ranges from theoretical fundamentals of mathematical modelling and numerical simulation to concrete applications in computational science and engineering, including Computer-Aided Design, Computer Tomography, and Traffic Flow Modelling. Current research of the UHH lecturers-team's individual members is in close collaboration with various leading international partner institutions from industry, which further strengthens the application-oriented teaching concept of UHH within the Erasmus Mundus programme.


Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.

Mathematical systems and control theory [6 credits]

  • ECTS credits 6
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3

Advanced topics in fluid dynamics [6 credits]

  • ECTS credits 6
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3

Optimisation of complex systems governed by ODEs and PDEs [6 credits]

  • ECTS credits 6
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3
  • Objectives


    Optimization techniques in function space
    Applications to elliptic partial differential equations
    Optimal control with partial differential equations

  • Topics


    Existence of minimizers in function space
    Optimality conditions for the unconstrained case
    Elliptic PDEs as energy minimization problem
    Convex analysis and optimality conditions in the constrained case
    Optimal control problems with PDEs

Traffic flow models [6 credits]

  • ECTS credits 6
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3
  • Objectives


    To get an overviwew on mathematical traffic flow modeling, to learn about applications of nonlinear dynamical systems, to learn about applications of systems of hyperboloc balance laws

  • Topics


    Microscopic models, micromacrolink, macroscopic models

Computer tomography [6 credits]

  • ECTS credits 6
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3
  • Objectives


    This course gives an introduction to mathematical methods of medical imaging, where particular focus is placed on computer(ized) tomography (CT). But also algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) will be discussed. If time allows, a short overview over m...

  • Topics


    X-rays; the Radon transform; the back projection; the central slice theorem; the filtered back projection formula; discrete image reconstruction; algebraic reconstruction techniques; magnetic resonance imaging.

German Language and Culture for Foreigners A2.2 (elective) [3 credits]

  • ECTS credits 3
  • University University of Hamburg
  • Semester 3
  • Objectives



    • To manage basic life situations in German (giving information about your person, family, studies, university life, career aspirations, preferences, dislikes, personal  descriptions, description of objects and basic processes).
    • To use essential grammar structures such as declension of adjectives, comparison of adjectives, subordinate clauses, passive clauses, subjunctive II, clause and sentence structure



    • Monolingual method (use of English only for short grammar explications)
    • The course focusses on transmitting oral skills, an adequate and intelligible pronunciation,
    • Use of authentic dialogues and common conversation structures
    • Improvement  of written skills by submitting regularly pieces of homework 



  • Prerequisites

    Some previous experience in German (A1/ A2.1) or 90 German lessons

  • More information


    Time and location: on Fridays, 12 to 2, Geomatikum, Room 430
    Duration: 14 weeks, 28 hours
    Requirements: active participation, submission of homework, a written exam at the end of the term

    NB.: This is an additionally German language course for our international students and research assistants of Mathematics. The University of Hamburg offers a wide range of German language courses from A1 to C1.


Home News Sem 3 UHH Complex Sys. (OLD)