Sem 3 UAB Stochastic (OLD)
(to be discontinued - valid up to batch 2017)
Applications @ UAB 30 ECTS credits
Stochastic modelling and optimization
From the curriculum of the Barcelona (UAB) partner, "Stochastic Modelling and Optimisation", students will learn how to model real systems in which randomness plays a significant role, and how to deal with situations in which a best alternative is sought among many feasible possibilities. Sometimes, both these features are present. Frequently, the best solution of a complex optimisation problem is impossible to be found exactly, and the realistic goal is to seek a suboptimal solution that can be attained in a reasonable time. Also, the random elements of a system are often introduced intentionally so as to disregard features which would make the model too complicated. One of the main objectives is to highlight this sort of compromise when it comes to solving a real world problem. Competence in designing algorithms and using existing standard software in these fields is essential. But at the same time we will try to ensure that the students get as solid as possible a theoretical background. After this semester, the students should be able to: join industrial R+D departments or laboratories, where the modelling of experimental data or the improvement of products and processes are the goal; enrol in general engineering consulting enterprises; or pursue studies in mathematics applied to finance, econometrics, networking, logistics, etc.
Below you can find information about the subjects for this semester.