MathMods & InterMaths Alumni Association

Erasmus Mundus MSc "MathMods" and Joint MSc "InterMaths"

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Established in May 2017

Workshop 2014

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 gransasso lake

Welcome to Ma.Mo.W.



L'Aquila, 14-19 July 2014



1st Mathematical Modelling Workshop: MathMods & EMA Alumni Meeting 2014


The 1st Mathematical Modelling Workshop was born from the wish to celebrate the initial 5 generations of the MathMods program, reinforce connections and present current work among all the master students and Alumni from the Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA) interested in Mathematical Modelling. The workshop also plays a role of a forum purposed for the exchange of ideas and discussions on topics related to mathematical modelling in engineering. Young researchers both from academia and private sectors are invited to participate, exchange their scientific knowledge and share information about different research groups, job opportunities and other relevant topics.


The Workshop consists of two parts. On the first two days, 14th and 15th of July, the Alumni meeting takes place: students from different EMA courses gathers to discuss their common experiences in round tables sessions, scientific camp and talks. This part of the Workshop is intended to foster collaborations in a friendly and creative environment. From 16th to 18th of July, the Mathematical Modelling Workshop with mini-lectures, talks contributions and poster session is held with a focus on the many aspects of mathematical modelling, numerics and applications. Speakers from Applied Mathematics and related areas, as well as Pure Mathematics, are welcome! Finally, on the last day, 19th of July, a trip to Gran Sasso Labaratory is organized with the purpose to introduce the participants with this Institution and the developing trends in the area of particle physics.


Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee



Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Early registration: (14 April 2014 – 18 May 2014)
  • Regular registration: (19 May 2014 – 27 June 2014)
  • Submission of abstracts: (1 May 2014 – 25 May 2014)
  • Notification of accepted abstracts: (30 May 2014)
  • Arrival: 13-14 July 2014
  • Alumni Meeting: 14-15 July 2014
  • Mathematical Modelling Workshop: 16-18 July 2014


# First Name Last Name Status University/Company
1 Alessandro Arrigoni - University of L'Aquila
2 Ahmad Ahmad Ali Presenter – Poster University of L'Aquila
3 Fabio Antonelli Presenter – Mini Lecture University of L'Aquila
4 Marco Capo Presenter – Poster University of Hamburg
5 Olga Chernomor Presenter – Talk CIBIV, University of Vienna
6 Gabriela Cirtala Presenter – Poster University of Hamburg
7 Jose Cuenca Presenter – Poster University of Hamburg
8 Andjela Davidovic Presenter – Talk INRIA, University of Bordeaux
9 Gianluca De Cecchis MathMods University of L'Aquila
10 Federica Di Michele Presenter – Senior Talk University of L'Aquila
11 Mohamad El-Shobaki - NARSS
12 Diana Gil Organizer University of Hamburg
13 Irina Gulina Presenter – Poster Brno University of Technology
14 Wenjun Guo Participant University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
15 Kwame Atta Gyamfi Participant University of L'Aquila
16 Krystyna Isakova Presenter – Talk University of Genova
17 Mohammed Janneh Presenter – Poster University of L'Aquila
18 Lazaro Jone Participant Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
19 Junaid Kamboh Presenter – Talk Hamburg University of Technology
20 Veronika Kisková Participant University of L'aquila
21 Olga Koval Participant University of L'Aquila
22 Agnieszka Kozub Presenter – Talk Gdansk University of Technology
23 Danilo Larivera Organizer University of L'Aquila
24 Puya Latafat Participant University of L'Aquila
25 Francesco Ludovici Organizer University of Hamburg
26 Stephen Kyere Manu Participant University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
27 Arash Massoudi Organizer University of Hamburg
28 Jon May Participant University of L'Aquila
29 Azahar Monge Presenter – Poster Lund University
30 Orest Mykhaskiv Presenter – Poster University of Hamburg
31 Juan Manuel Ortiz Participant University of L'Aquila
32 Babajide Oyewole Participant University of L'Aquila
33 Bruno Rubino MathMods University of L'Aquila
34 Diego Sandoval Presenter – Poster Technical University of Denmark
35 Petar Sapun Organizer University of Hamburg
36 Dinka Smajlagic Organizer – EMA University of L'Aquila
37 Aleksandar Trifunovic Participant University of L'Aquila
38 Monika Twarogowska Presenter – Senior Talk IAC-CNR Rome
39 Cansu Uluseker Presenter – Poster university of L'Aquila
40 Amirthalakshmi Veeraraghavan Participant University of L'Aquila
41 Winnifried Wollner Presenter – Mini Lecture University of Hamburg



View full database from the registration form


Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Early registration: (14 April 2014 – 18 May 2014)
  • Regular registration: (19 May 2014 – 27 June 2014)
  • Submission of abstracts: (1 May 2014 – 25 May 2014)
  • Notification of accepted abstracts: (30 May 2014)
  • Arrival: 13-14 July 2014
  • Alumni Meeting: 14-15 July 2014
  • Mathematical Modelling Workshop: 16-18 July 2014


pdf-smallDetailed schedule

pdf-smallBook of Abstracts

Alumni Meeting

Room 1.7 Coppito 1

Monday, 14th July

10:15 – 14:15 Registration

14:15 – 14:45 Introduction & Presentation

14:45 – 16:15 EMA Round Table Discussions: "The new perspective of Erasmus Mundus within Erasmus+ program"

Tuesday, 15th July

10:15 - 12:45 Scientific Camps: participants can submit a topic on a real life aspects/problems to be discussed and analyzed from a mathematical point of view. Interesting mathematical topics are welcome! Examples might be, development of “smart-city” concepts, , mathematics in nature, etc. Topics will then be selected and the participants will choose to attend the camp that is the most inspiring for them - contributing with ideas and suggestions.

12:45 - 14:15 Lunch Break

14:15 - 16:15 EMA Round Table Discussions: “Life after MathMods: PhD or a job in the industry?”


Mathematical Modelling Workshop

Room A1.7 Coppito 0

Wednesday, 16th July

09:15 - 09:45 Olga Chernomor - Modelling of Evolutionary Relationships: problems and challenges in Phylogenetics and its Applications
09:45 - 10:15 Krystyna Isakova – Mechanics of tamponade fluids in the vitreous chamber of the eye
10:15 - 10:45 Andjela Davidovic - Role and modelling of some heterogeneities for cardiac electrophysiology

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 - 11:45 Petar Sapun - Numerical results of the Berestycki’s fast line diffusion model11:45 - 12:45 Monika Twarogowska – A well-balanced numerical scheme for a one-dimensioanl quasilinear hyperbolic model of chemotaxis

12:45 – 14:15 Lunch Break

14:15 – 16:00 Poster Session

Social Event

Thursday, 17th July

09:45 - 10:45 Federica di Michele – Bohmenian type boundary conditions for quantum hydrodynamics

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 – 11:45 Agnieszka L. Kozub - Electronic structure of Co impurities in Cu hosts
11:45 – 12:15 Diana Gil - Kinetic-Induced Moment Systems for Conservation Laws
12:15 – 12:45 Francesco Ludovici - Optimal control of parabolic PDE with Constraints on the Gradient of the State

12:45 – 14:15 Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:45 Fabio Antonelli – Stochastic Differential Equations and Finance


Workshop Dinner

Friday, 18th July

09:45 - 10:15 Muhammad Junaid Kamboh - Error estimation and implementation of new physics modes in PolyDE
10:15 - 10:45
Arash Massoudi - Five Things You Should Know About Control of PDE Systems

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:45 Winifried Wollner – Adaptive finite elements and a posteriori error estimations

12:45 – 14:15 Lunch Break

14:15 – 16:00 Alumni Assembly

Social Event


Saturday 19th, July

i borghi piú belli d’Italia” - the villages of Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Rocca Calascio and Castel del Monte
Sign up for the trip during the registration




Getting to L'Aquila

L'Aquila is in the centre of Italy at about 110 Km (68 miles) to the east of Rome and about 100 Km (62 miles) to the west of Pescara.

Click here for detailed directions


Accommodation is guaranteed (if wanted) for the speakers (talk or poster) registered until the 16 May 2014. For later registration in case of free places these would be assign first come first serve.

Click here for details


DISIM - Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics - University of L'Aquila

Via Vetoio 1 (Coppito) L'Aquila - 67100, Italy

Room 1.7 - Coppito 1 and Room A1.7, Coppito 0

Check out our map


Book of Abstracts - MaMoW 2014
Date 2014-07-12 - File size 467.63 KB
Schedule - MaMoW 2014
Date 2014-07-12 - File size 46.69 KB


Read 3365 times Last modified on Saturday, 03 June 2017 14:59