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Timetable UHH summer semester 2014

Monday, 24 March 2014 15:10

Here is the timetable for your second semester in Hamburg (2014). There will be one more tutorial which up to now is not included.

The first lecture is at 8:15 a. m. on Wednesday, 2nd April and will be held at the Informatikum in Stellingen. The follow-up lecture on Wednesday at 12 o'clock (Finite Elements) as well as the exercise class, Finite Elements (compulsory for all of you the first lecture day), 4.15 p. m. take place at the Geomatikum - U Schlump (metro station).


Timetable UHH Summer semester 2014
Date 2014-03-24 - File size 182.2 KB

Read 2718 times Last modified on Monday, 24 March 2014 15:18